Friday, March 18, 2005
itsumo fresh
![]() Happy music for the weekend... m-flo loves EMYLI & Diggy Mo'. Can you feel my heart sing la-la-la-la? kimi wa (DO-DO-DO-DOPAMINE!) doko yara? sagashi ni kite, where ever you are soshite fly away (a arararaa a aa YEAH!) into outerspace (lyrics courtesy of For the curious, you can help yourself to the song right here. (right click + "save as") You can also check out the music video here: -Part 1 -Part 2 .:. In random news, I've just discovered my web account storage allocation is now 100 megabytes for no additional cost... which is 5 times bigger than when I first bought the account back in 2002. wh00t. | ![]()
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in?scrip?tion (n-skrip-shun)n.
the facts.