Thursday, March 10, 2005
I usually never post IM conversations... but maybe it's because usually, the things I talk about aren't worth posting or shouldn't be posted. Today is an exception. .:. [01:51] grahss: that's funny hwo sometimes my visits up to seattle coincide with other outta towners that are nonholidays cuz it's like almost random [01:52] Unseen GC: yeah, that is kinda funny [01:52] Unseen GC: it's nice, tho huh? [01:53] Unseen GC: you can see more ppl at once [01:54] grahss: yeah definitely! it's alwways nice hanging out with peeps upt here [01:54] grahss: although chongsun, i've definitely lost touch with [01:54] grahss: i realize i really appreciate those friendships [01:54] grahss: like the low maintenance ones [01:54] Unseen GC: hahaha [01:54] grahss: where you don't have to talk with them or keep in touch with them hardly at all [01:54] grahss: but then you see them and it's all good [01:55] Unseen GC: heh, it's funny you mention that [01:55] Unseen GC: because Shiv and I had a conversation about that [01:55] grahss: oh yeah? [01:55] Unseen GC: yeah [01:55] Unseen GC: I was remarking [01:55] Unseen GC: that guys in general have more low maintenance ones [01:55] Unseen GC: because guys in general are low maintenance [01:55] Unseen GC: girls on the otherhand... [01:57] grahss: yeah it's soooo different [01:57] grahss: i think i'm like tha tmore with my guy friends up there [01:57] grahss: well [01:57] grahss: more or less [01:57] grahss: but then it's harder with the girls [01:57] grahss: fo sho [01:57] grahss: so i understand that things change, people move on and whatnot [01:57] Unseen GC: yeah [01:57] grahss: but for those girlfriends of mine up there who i can be like that with i especially appreciate [01:58] Unseen GC: it kind of odd I suppose [01:58] Unseen GC: that when people become friends [01:58] Unseen GC: it just sorta happens naturally [01:58] Unseen GC: and when people stop being friends [01:58] Unseen GC: it sorta just fades out [01:59] Unseen GC: unless there's some sort of dramatic incident [01:59] grahss: hah [01:59] grahss: yeah [01:59] Unseen GC: but that never happens to me [01:59] grahss: hopefully it woudl't happen to most people at our age but sadly, it still does sometimes [01:59] grahss: i didn't realize until recently that my friendships were defintiely in large part due to convenience [01:59] grahss: like i'd like to think i was different than that [01:59] grahss: but.. [02:00] grahss: not really [02:00] Unseen GC: yeah [02:00] Unseen GC: though I think the friends I've made at UW [02:00] Unseen GC: and through church [02:00] Unseen GC: are definitely more lifelong friends [02:01] grahss: yeah... your church friends.. some of them literally lifelong too [02:01] Unseen GC: haha, yeah [02:02] Unseen GC: at the same time, it's weird to be both close and have that low maintenance thing [02:02] Unseen GC: Shiv was telling me how it's weird that my best friend and I [02:02] Unseen GC: usually only talk like once a week or once every couple of weeks [02:02] Unseen GC: but we still feel as close to each other as when we lived together in school [02:03] grahss: haha [02:03] grahss: yeah joe is like that too with some of his closest friends [02:03] grahss: they're so tight, but they won't know the day to day [02:03] grahss: it's almost like assumed [02:03] Unseen GC: yeah, I can't explain it [02:03] Unseen GC: it's sorta paradoxical [02:04] Unseen GC: men sorta form certain bonds of brotherhood [02:04] Unseen GC: and if I consider someone a good friend [02:04] Unseen GC: he or she will always be considered a good friend [02:05] grahss: yeah... haha it does seem like that [02:05] grahss: like salvation [02:05] Unseen GC: heh [02:05] Unseen GC: good analogy [02:05] grahss: but with girls.. it's like catholicismn [02:05] grahss: where we have to work damn hard for that position!! [02:05] Unseen GC: hahahaha [02:06] Unseen GC: so true [02:06] Unseen GC: why is that? [02:06] Unseen GC: enlighten me [02:07] grahss: gosh, i have no idea.. [02:07] grahss: i mean... [02:07] grahss: i'd like to think that i'm not really a typical girl [02:07] grahss: BUT i know that i'm defintiely like that in some ways too [02:08] grahss: it seems too rash to say that girls are just needier [02:08] Unseen GC: but that's what you think? [02:09] grahss: i don't know that i could explain it [02:09] grahss: which is really weird [02:09] grahss: cuz i usually feel pretty confident in expalining stuff like that [02:09] grahss: relational stuff [02:10] grahss: i think my initial response woudl be that guys and girls are just wired differently [02:10] Unseen GC: haha .:. Cheers to good friends... I'm glad I'm a guy. | ![]()
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