Saturday, January 18, 2003
Mutterings of a sleepless mind...
I was having an interesting talk with somebody a few nights ago about the nature of humanity,being content, happiness, and my "dog peeing on trees" theory (my poor analogy for the human desire for immortality via leaving some sort of mark/impact on the world). I think it just occurred to me that one of the reaons I first started writing was my own small "dog peeing on trees" impulse. The words on paper and the screen was something to remind myself that I was, I am and will be. I'm a forgetful person... the tangible is my reminder of things less tangible, and perhaps somehow, taking the time to make a record of my journey in this life brought me closer to a satisfying appreciation of it. But words are a funny thing. Lately when I write, I feel less like a man or more like a winter wind blowing through leaf-less trees... not speaking intelligble sentences or stirring speeches... just quiet sighs, low moans, rhythm-less rattling, and awkward spaces of silence. Strange, very strange... stripped of things that are important to us, sometimes all we have to clutch are our words. My grip is tight. --- Random: The Stranger, a notoriously liberal weekly rag here in Seattle, had a particularly thought provoking article on the issue on the possibility of war in Iraq. The author gives an equal amount of blasting to both warhawks... and also, anti-war peaceniks. I guess it's in everybody's nature to reduce the issue to black and white... "war is bad, peace movement is good" / "war is good, peace movement is bad"... but for once, I'm glad to read an article that eloquently states what I see - lots, and lots, of gray. The issue isn't as easy as people paint it. To use the patented davefonic dissection of the issues as I see it: Invading Iraq is stupid. Leaving Iraq to make weapons is stupid. Getting our sons and daughters to die for oil is stupid. Letting Saddam Hussein have access to oil is stupid. Stereotyping all Muslims as terrorists is stupid. Underestimating the factor of fanaticism in terrorists is stupid. Republicans are arrogant and stupid. Democrats are deluded and stupid. Saddam Hussen is arrogant, deluded, and stupid. Anyways... blah, no more politics. It's Saturday. At least for one more half hour. | ![]() |
in?scrip?tion (n-skrip-shun)n.
the facts.