Thursday, November 28, 2002

I just got back from the AACF sushi night 'bout half hour ago, lots of fun and good eats. It was nice seeing a lot of friends I haven't seen since I graduated last year winter, which seems like a long time ago. This year the party was held at Donny's house, which turns out be to actually within a half hour of my house... just much further down good 'ol Petrovitsky road. Pretty phat pad, even if it's in the middle of the dark, dark woods... whoooooooooo

Anyways, a bunch of fellas were hanging out late, playing cards and Tekken4, while devouring the remaining food. Good stuff.

Busy weekend coming up...


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in?scrip?tion (n-skrip-shun)n.
1. The act or an instance of inscribing.
2. Something, such as the wording on a coin, medal, monument, or seal, that is inscribed.
3. A short, signed message in a book or on a photograph given as a gift.
4. The usually informal dedication of an artistic work.
5. Jeremiah 31:33

the facts.
name. Gar AKA "that Chinese guy" "Sleepy.McSleeping"
ethnicity/nationality. Chinese/American, 4th gen.
location. Sea-Town, WA, USA Kawanishi, JAPAN
occupation. less-cynical poor grad student
age. younger than you think, older than you know



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