Saturday, September 01, 2001
Moving day...

Today I helped Shiv move into her new place near Greenlake... no more Maplewood 'hood. The event itself for me was a bit melancholy and happy at the same time, though the full emotional effect of it all didn't really hit me until I got back home to the apartment. I guess since the start of our relationship, I've taken for granted the fact that she lives nearby and all I had to do to see her and spend time with her was to go downstairs. In fact, people thought it was hilarious that I didn't even have the phone number to her apartment memorized... my line of reasoning being, "If she's home downstairs, why call when you can visit in person?" heh =)

Maybe I'm a bit sad because I know that due to my transportation-challenged circumstances (AKA no car), I probably won't be able to see her as much as before. On the otherhand, part of me knows that perhaps this what God wants for our relationship. It's just like Hi-Five sang about... it's about "Quality Time" instead of quantity time. At least, that's what I'll keep telling myself for now. =|

In other news, I heard from my mom via e-mail about my PoPo. She's been released from the hospital, but my mom didn't say exactly what is going to happen now. Her e-mail just said that the doctors released her because they've concluded "they can't do anything more for her" - how vague and ominous is that? I guess I'll have to wait until she flies back to Seattle this coming week.


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in?scrip?tion (n-skrip-shun)n.
1. The act or an instance of inscribing.
2. Something, such as the wording on a coin, medal, monument, or seal, that is inscribed.
3. A short, signed message in a book or on a photograph given as a gift.
4. The usually informal dedication of an artistic work.
5. Jeremiah 31:33

the facts.
name. Gar AKA "that Chinese guy" "Sleepy.McSleeping"
ethnicity/nationality. Chinese/American, 4th gen.
location. Sea-Town, WA, USA Kawanishi, JAPAN
occupation. less-cynical poor grad student
age. younger than you think, older than you know



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